1.   Themes cover everything from the sorry state of the environment to how money corrupts on to how people are persecuted because of their appearance.

2.   And there are new proposals for sanctions against Indonesia and countries that persecute people for their religious beliefs.

3.   In his remarks, Clinton also unabashedly boasted that the religious freedom that Americans enjoy should be the model for countries that persecute their people for their religious beliefs.

4.   People are persecuted by memories.

5.   The House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a bill to punish foreign countries that persecute people for their religious beliefs.

6.   They noted that the Jewish people have been persecuted many times in the past, most notably during the Holocaust, and always managed to survive their oppressors.

7.   They smashed ancient relics and persecuted people deemed to harbor counter-revolution.

8.   Tibet may be known around the world as a mountainous region where a devoutly religious people have been persecuted by their Chinese landlords, but everyone has to eat.

9.   -- Stop persecuting its people.

10.   The accounts given by the battered, traumatized refugees streaming out of Kosovo are evidence that an entire people is being persecuted with racist cruelty.

v. + people >>共 706
kill 16.68%
injure 6.37%
arrest 4.06%
wound 2.62%
help 1.81%
have 1.53%
treat 1.41%
see 1.30%
detain 1.12%
keep 1.11%
persecute 0.03%
persecute + n. >>共 62
minority 9.42%
people 9.42%
medium 8.70%
opponent 4.35%
opposition 3.62%
believer 2.90%
group 2.90%
dissident 2.90%
supporter 2.90%
community 2.17%
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