1.   Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has suppressed opposition and persecuted independent media, and several prominent opposition politicians have disappeared under hazy circumstances.

2.   Lukashenko has persecuted independent media, banned rallies by his political opponents, and his police have routinely beaten and arrested demonstrators.

3.   Lukashenko, a Soviet admirer, has suppressed opposition and persecuted independent media in the former Soviet republic.

4.   Lukashenko, who easily won re-election in September, has suppressed dissent and persecuted independent media in this ex-Soviet republic.

5.   Lukashenko has suppressed opposition and persecuted independent media in his former Soviet republic.

6.   Lukashenko has persecuted independent media and disbanded a popularly elected parliament and replaced it with a group of his supporters.

7.   Lukashenko has suppressed opposition and persecuted independent media in Belarus.

8.   Lukashenko has suppressed opposition and persecuted independent media.

9.   Lukashenko has suppressed opposition and persecuted independent media in the former Soviet republic.

10.   President Alexander Lukashenko, who easily won re-election last month, has suppressed dissent and persecuted independent media in this ex-Soviet republic.

v. + medium >>共 473
report 11.28%
use 5.04%
blame 4.11%
say 3.33%
control 3.19%
accuse 3.10%
address 1.99%
meet 1.99%
tell 1.94%
handle 1.66%
persecute 0.55%
persecute + n. >>共 62
minority 9.42%
people 9.42%
medium 8.70%
opponent 4.35%
opposition 3.62%
believer 2.90%
group 2.90%
dissident 2.90%
supporter 2.90%
community 2.17%
每页显示:    共 12