1.   Apparently Bush has decided to cave in to France, Russia and Syria and permit resumption of business-as-usual with Saddam Hussein.

2.   He reserved the option of permitting the resumption of limited nuclear tests in consultation with Congress, however.

3.   Luzzatto denied that the White House has notified Iraq of a deadline to permit resumption of U.N. weapons inspections or face retaliation.

4.   The administration also was trying to raise the stakes for the Iraqi leader in an effort to persuade him to permit resumption of U.N. weapons inspections.

5.   Those concessions are acceptable if they permit resumption of a serious arms-control program inside Iraq.

6.   To force Saddam Hussein to permit U.N. resumption of inspection of his nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and plans?

7.   But the agreement apparently does not permit the resumption of the humanitarian airlift, shut down weeks ago.

8.   It also permitted a resumption of direct charter flights to Cuba.

9.   Meanwhile, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a plan Tuesday that would permit resumption of economic aid to Pakistan while keeping military sanctions in place.

10.   Morocco has refused to permit a resumption of fishing in its territorial waters until a new accord is signed.

v. + resumption >>共 142
allow 8.57%
announce 7.87%
delay 3.93%
urge 3.79%
protest 3.37%
prevent 3.09%
welcome 2.67%
permit 2.53%
discuss 2.53%
await 2.25%
permit + n. >>共 939
use 2.93%
access 2.11%
sale 1.99%
inspection 1.46%
visit 1.42%
abortion 1.06%
lawsuit 0.93%
return 0.89%
suit 0.77%
detention 0.77%
resumption 0.73%
每页显示:    共 18