1.   Industry groups have lobbied for these to be given permanent status.

2.   American companies with business ventures in China have long called for permanent MFN status for China.

3.   And as we have said many times, the issue of Palestinian statehood is a permanent status issue.

4.   As both sides haggled over an interim agreement a far more difficult subject, the permanent status of their relationship, was barely broached.

5.   Baucus said that dangling the prospect of permanent MFN trade status in front of the Chinese could encourage them to further open their markets to U.S. goods.

6.   Barak wants to combine the final withdrawal of Israeli troops called for in the Wye agreement into progress in the permanent status negotiations.

7.   Before you chuckle, know that ballroom dancing, rugby and surfing were granted permanent status as Olympic sports this week by the International Olympic Committee.

8.   Boeing is a long-time advocate of permanent MFN status for China.

9.   A handful of gardens have won permanent status, and recently, Housing Preservation and Development agreed to take some gardens off its development list.

10.   Administration officials have hinted that they would press for permanent most-favored-nation status after China was admitted to the World Trade Organization.

a. + status >>共 910
final 9.22%
legal 6.53%
special 4.65%
tax-exempt 2.54%
social 2.32%
permanent 2.24%
new 1.95%
marital 1.95%
political 1.83%
future 1.73%
permanent + n. >>共 1273
member 11.37%
peace 4.21%
resident 3.39%
seat 2.65%
residency 2.35%
home 2.18%
damage 1.98%
replacement 1.96%
trade 1.79%
collection 1.61%
status 1.44%
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