1.   When these strictures are temporarily dilated by endoscopic stenting, the permanent presence of these clips might perhaps induce restricturing after stent removal.

2.   The US State Department also supported the creation of a permanent American naval presence in the Mediterranean.

3.   The chief disadvantage is that more frequent travel is involved, and a lack of a permanent presence in the market can cause problems.

4.   Customers may also view this lack of permanent presence as a lack of definite commitment to the market.

5.   Such contracts are normally able to run smoothly without a permanent overseas presence.

6.   And he may be a more permanent presence than people think.

7.   Architecture can give a permanent presence and identity to dance.

8.   At the same time, Clinton said he did not envision a permanent military presence in Bosnia such as the one in Korea.

9.   Administration and Pentagon officials said that the decision to end the permanent presence in no way reflected a lessening of American interest.

10.   But a permanent military presence there would almost certainly prove as effective as it has in Bosnia, with remarkably little loss of life.

a. + presence >>共 1055
military 17.39%
strong 4.85%
american 3.23%
international 2.49%
physical 2.43%
continued 2.33%
heavy 2.13%
large 1.68%
mere 1.58%
major 1.33%
permanent 1.00%
permanent + n. >>共 1273
member 11.37%
peace 4.21%
resident 3.39%
seat 2.65%
residency 2.35%
home 2.18%
damage 1.98%
replacement 1.96%
trade 1.79%
collection 1.61%
presence 0.75%
每页显示:    共 69