1.   He suggested saving fuel by jettisoning the fluid in periodic bursts.

2.   Instead, candidates are planning periodic bursts of commercials unless, like Cecchi, they have personal fortunes to spend.

3.   She has spent several years struggling with congestive heart failure, diabetes, failing kidneys and periodic bursts of dangerously high blood pressure.

4.   The agency gets looked at with each periodic burst of lurid headlines, but nothing gets done.

5.   In the past two years, thousands of Muslims and Christians have been killed in periodic bursts of interreligious bloodletting.

6.   In the past two years, thousands of Muslims and Christians have been killed in periodic bursts of inter-religious bloodletting.

7.   In the periodic bursts of gunfire, both sides have accused the other of firing first.

8.   The Uighurs have sought to regain that status for almost a half-century, and there have been periodic bursts of unrest, but little prospect of success.

9.   Tires were burned on Gaza City streets after nightfall and there were periodic bursts of gunfire.

a. + burst >>共 323
short 6.35%
sudden 6.16%
occasional 4.69%
brief 3.81%
new 2.54%
sporadic 2.35%
initial 2.35%
final 2.35%
machine-gun 1.96%
quick 1.86%
periodic 0.88%
periodic + n. >>共 539
review 4.21%
report 3.09%
visit 2.58%
meeting 2.49%
inspection 2.15%
clash 1.89%
update 1.55%
bout 1.20%
talk 1.12%
attack 1.03%
burst 0.77%
每页显示:    共 9