1.   Among the underpublicized reasons Richard Nixon was driven from office with pitchforks were his periodic attempts to phone in plays to then-Washington Redskins coach George Allen.

2.   Despite periodic attempts to humanize his public image, he remained typecast as a straitlaced zealot.

3.   Even so, periodic attempts at bipartisanship have produced some progress.

4.   Even the periodic attempts to tap into an inexhaustible source of puerile humor, flatulence, seem desperate.

5.   Periodic attempts to revive the cinema died in the face of economic crises that strapped the government and made funding scarce.

6.   The Japanese Jewish community and outsiders alike seethe at periodic attempts to equate the Holocaust with the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

7.   There have been periodic attempts by Congress to restrict the stabilization fund.

8.   With international backing, Muslims have made periodic attempts this year to begin pilot rebuilding programs in the town.

9.   Despite periodic attempts to reconcile, Iraq remains isolated.

a. + attempt >>共 1080
first 7.02%
previous 4.78%
failed 4.33%
second 3.94%
unsuccessful 3.11%
apparent 3.03%
repeated 2.94%
latest 2.11%
earlier 1.94%
desperate 1.87%
periodic 0.11%
periodic + n. >>共 539
review 4.21%
report 3.09%
visit 2.58%
meeting 2.49%
inspection 2.15%
clash 1.89%
update 1.55%
bout 1.20%
talk 1.12%
attack 1.03%
attempt 0.77%
每页显示:    共 9