1.   Too little exercise and long periods of immobility also affects bowel habits.

2.   When grouping plants that prefer bright or indirect bright light in a low-light area for long periods, artificial lighting is recommended.

3.   And, Voisin emphasized, keeping the oysters chilled for long periods only delays the delivery of the fresh product to market.

4.   For long periods of the match in Kaunas, Italy was overwhelmed by the physical Lithuanians, who started as certain losers.

5.   The Australians won despite being forced onto the defensive for long periods by a British team that got its second-half goal from Andrew Mainwaring.

6.   Cairns, playing the first Super Series semi-final of his career, was defending for long periods, frequently pinned to the back of the court.

n. + long >>共 10
period 28.57%
year 19.05%
weekend 14.29%
hour 9.52%
month 4.76%
night 4.76%
now 4.76%
retirement 4.76%
week 4.76%
week-end 4.76%
period + n. >>共 146
final 9.90%
last 4.62%
time 4.62%
summer 2.97%
peak 2.64%
rest 2.64%
waiting 2.31%
repayment 1.98%
long 1.98%
cooling-off 1.65%
每页显示:    共 6