1.   Pigs born during this period are an indication of pork supplies for the next six months.

2.   Pigs born during this period are an indication of pork supplies next spring.

3.   Pigs born during this period are an indication of pork supplies next summer.

4.   Pigs born during this period are an indication of pork supplies next winter.

5.   Pigs born during this period are an indication of pork supplies six months later.

a. + are >>共 854
poor 1.99%
still 1.86%
likely 1.16%
important 1.09%
chinese 0.96%
missing 0.84%
available 0.84%
latter 0.84%
absent 0.77%
sales 0.77%
period 0.32%
period + n. >>共 278
costume 7.86%
furniture 4.62%
style 4.01%
detail 3.70%
instrument 2.93%
goal 2.62%
music 2.47%
room 2.47%
film 2.00%
dress 1.69%
are 0.77%
每页显示:    共 5