1.   But Andre Agassi has never been one to mimic the priorities, proclivities or performance styles of most tennis stars.

2.   But the most striking aspect of Noh is its vocal performance style, a chanted singing that often sounded like whining, or moaning.

3.   But what of the charge that Practical Aesthetics promotes a certain performance style, maybe best suited for the plays of Mamet?

4.   But whether a listener is fascinated by the practicalities of performance style or is searching for spiritual uplift, one thing these works have to be is thrilling.

5.   For one thing, Miller feels that the imposition of the larger scale of modern performance style would be destructive.

6.   His reputation as a stellar soloist is driven by a disintinctly raw and powerful performance style.

7.   In addition, the ritualistic performance style keeps circumscribing desire in melancholic ceremony.

8.   In his performance style, Rock combines the persuasive rhythms of the African-American preacher with the street-smart cool of the hip-hop generation, Watkins said.

9.   It was during this period that she developed her flamboyant performance style.

10.   Offstage he is withdrawn to the point of anonymity, which is surprising for someone whose performance style is often explosive and who writes so perceptively about his art.

n. + style >>共 838
management 12.32%
leadership 5.12%
hair 3.82%
campaign 3.00%
investment 2.56%
signature 2.32%
body 1.11%
country 1.06%
prose 1.01%
dance 0.97%
performance 0.97%
performance + n. >>共 501
standard 5.26%
evaluation 5.11%
review 4.55%
space 2.43%
bonus 2.38%
piece 1.67%
enhancer 1.67%
level 1.62%
drug 1.57%
record 1.57%
style 1.01%
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