1.   Eye surgery is often performed using a local anaesthetic.

2.   The operation will be performed using the very latest microsurgery techniques.

3.   This experiment can be performed using the apparatus shown in the diagram.

4.   The adaptation phase, however, again was performed using the preferred hand only.

5.   The acid clearance test was performed using the technique originally described by Booth et al with some modifications.

6.   Routine serobiochemical tests were performed using automated techniques.

7.   After collecting baseline samples for two hours, injection of neuropeptide Y or control into the lateral ventricle was performed using a stereotactic instrument.

8.   The determination of histamine in the oxyntic mucosal homogenates was performed using a commercially available radioimmunoassay kit with high specificity and sensitivity.

9.   Morphometric calculation of these cells was performed using an ocular with a square raster plate in the microscopic examination.

10.   Immunohistochemical stains for HBcAg and HBsAg were performed using commercially available polyclonal antisera and the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex technique.

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perform + v. >>共 97
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