1.   At the courts the same function was performed by touts, petition-drawers and proctors.

2.   Compelling evidence that the NMDA receptor performs this function is reviewed in the next section.

3.   In between, he designed software for his phone systems, which allow callers to perform various functions through a voice menu.

4.   In most contemporary states, virtually every political function is performed by a variety of political structures.

5.   It can be justified as preserving the independence of the organisation, and the freedom of action to perform its functions.

6.   It performs important functions in times of crisis, both when children enter care and when foster placements break down.

7.   McLanahan and Sandefur seem to assume, also, that only fathers can perform certain functions within the family.

8.   Peter performed this function with maximum cheerfulness for the last two pre-war years and the first two afterwards.

9.   Sometimes this function was performed by castle towns, but some centres of the commodity economy were separate from domain administration.

v. + function >>共 368
perform 11.26%
have 7.11%
attend 5.40%
serve 4.21%
use 1.97%
improve 1.84%
restore 1.84%
affect 1.78%
combine 1.71%
control 1.71%
perform + n. >>共 763
surgery 7.15%
abortion 5.62%
task 4.47%
operation 3.65%
autopsy 3.57%
procedure 3.56%
duty 3.33%
test 3.27%
service 2.71%
work 2.62%
function 2.59%
每页显示:    共 170