1.   Breathing exercises should be performed at the end of each training session.

2.   You can perform relaxation exercises lying down but we would prefer if you try initially sitting in a comfortable armchair.

3.   This absence of significant clinical abnormality may be partly a reflection of the fact that donkeys are rarely required to perform sustained exercise.

4.   And performing specific exercises to strengthen the upper extremities and the spine, and even basic stretches before you play, can be beneficial.

5.   As he spoke, members of the group performed silent exercises across Park Avenue, under the watchful eye of the police.

6.   A British Airways spokeswoman, for example, said cabin crews routinely encouraged passengers to perform simple exercises in their seat to help blood circulation.

7.   A physiotherapist performed passive exercises on the grafted hand.

8.   Experts also seem to agree that no matter which exercise is performed, proper execution is crucial.

9.   For them, Falun Gong is more than simply performing exercises each morning and reading its texts at night.

10.   The Huskies also perform exercises to work the ankles, knees and hips and weight-room drills to strengthen the hamstrings.

v. + exercise >>共 375
do 7.82%
conduct 7.20%
hold 6.99%
get 3.81%
include 2.03%
plan 1.98%
repeat 1.98%
stage 1.88%
begin 1.88%
carry 1.83%
perform 1.51%
perform + n. >>共 763
surgery 7.15%
abortion 5.62%
task 4.47%
operation 3.65%
autopsy 3.57%
procedure 3.56%
duty 3.33%
test 3.27%
service 2.71%
work 2.62%
exercise 0.44%
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