1.   First dig out all the perennial weeds.

2.   You are also turning up the relics of perennial weeds that can be difficult to eliminate later.

3.   New ground should be cleared of perennial weed, removing deep roots of docks, thistles and bindweed.

4.   A dense turf crowds out weeds, discourages perennial weeds from spreading and shades the soil, preventing waiting weed seeds from germinating.

5.   Dallisgrass is a perennial weed that forms a large clump of dark green foliage and within days of mowing sends stalks with black seeds.

6.   In fact, assuming you have turf grass sod and not a mat of perennial weeds, just turning it over should have worked, too.

7.   The first rule in planting asparagus is to be sure the soil is as free of perennial weeds and grass as possible.

a. + weed >>共 184
noxious 5.09%
tall 2.69%
common 2.40%
overgrown 2.40%
perennial 2.40%
red 2.40%
aquatic 2.10%
annual 1.80%
poisonous 1.50%
invasive 1.20%
perennial + n. >>共 372
problem 5.37%
favorite 5.06%
power 3.92%
candidate 2.79%
contender 2.68%
powerhouse 2.48%
garden 2.48%
bed 2.37%
loser 2.27%
border 1.75%
weed 0.83%
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