1.   Some preventive strategies and vaccines are not used because of a perceived lack of cost-effectiveness.

2.   The main predictors of destructive levels of stress are the FUD factors -fear, uncertainty and doubt -together with perceived lack of control, he says.

3.   They hope that a jobs package will go some way to defusing criticism over a perceived lack of direction on tackling the long dole queues.

4.   A perceived lack of candor may have contributed to the fizzling of his campaign in the final days before the New Hampshire primary.

5.   A perceived lack of commitment from TCU, Hyman, Ferrari and prominent boosters would hang over the basketball program.

6.   A perceived lack of interest in the program has been seen as a major stumbling block by potential international investors.

7.   A perceived lack of ambition has scuttled many a promotion.

8.   A perceived lack of glamour is worrisome, for it translates into a lack of support.

9.   A perceived lack of investigative zeal at headquarters has startled agents in field offices around the country, several former FBI officials said.

10.   Albright also has been criticized for her perceived lack of experience in Asia and Latin America.

a. + lack >>共 332
apparent 6.65%
general 5.98%
total 5.37%
complete 4.90%
relative 4.30%
perceived 3.90%
utter 2.35%
serious 1.88%
same 1.81%
distinct 1.75%
perceived + n. >>共 496
threat 8.77%
lack 4.80%
slight 2.90%
risk 2.15%
need 1.82%
injustice 1.74%
weakness 1.74%
enemy 1.66%
bias 1.49%
value 1.32%
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