1.   Although the intruders did not resist arrest, Puerto Rican police used pepper gas on several people.

2.   And while Burroughs says he enjoys being sought out by his followers, he carries a sword cane and a canister of pepper gas when he attends public functions.

3.   A Lancaster city spokesman said Tuesday the gas used was pepper gas, which causes a severe burning sensation in the skin and eyes.

4.   He removed his black mask to reveal his face, seared red from pepper gas.

5.   Most times it was pepper gas sprayed on a single convict already in solitary confinement because of previous misbehavior, according to state reports made public Thursday.

6.   One stressed alternatives to subdue a suspect, like pepper gas instead of a pistol.

7.   Pepper gas was sprayed randomly in first-floor windows, according to some residents.

8.   She entered the chamber, where a spray of pepper gas came down, burning her throat and lungs.

9.   Some inmates and their legal advocates view the new tactics, particularly the use of pepper gas and stun devices to subdue inmates, with alarm.

10.   Though no radical himself, Smith said he became well acquainted with the difference between pepper gas and tear gas.

n. + gas >>共 187
greenhouse 37.57%
methane 7.98%
petroleum 4.38%
hydrogen 3.60%
chlorine 3.25%
sarin 2.68%
exhaust 2.33%
propane 2.33%
cyanide 2.05%
nitrogen 1.69%
pepper 1.69%
pepper + n. >>共 111
spray 56.59%
flake 5.37%
sauce 4.55%
gas 3.90%
plant 2.28%
strip 1.95%
mixture 1.30%
shaker 1.30%
grinder 0.98%
puree 0.98%
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