1.   Many Jewish people settled in the Lower East Side.

2.   Prehistoric peoples settled the area and began to cultivate the land.

3.   The Roman Catholic Church also entered a period of renewed growth, particularly in Lancashire and other parts of the country where Irish people settled in large numbers.

4.   In other words, people have settled into an environment where they live, and to even attempt to get to talk and get themselves out.

5.   America was settled by people escaping czars, kings and other despots with armies at their disposal.

6.   And for the first time in at least a decade, more people are settling in Michigan than leaving.

7.   At Moosehead Lake in Maine, people settle for the sinking of a snowmobile driven by a faux moose.

8.   Blunt talk, not to say obscene talk, does not allow people to settle their differences.

9.   But as more and more people settle at the coast, getting them out safely in the event of a storm is turning into a logistical nightmare.

10.   But in the seventh millennium BC it was settled by people whom historians call Sumerians.

n. + settle >>共 805
dust 7.01%
company 5.44%
family 2.86%
side 2.62%
future 1.85%
government 1.53%
party 1.33%
agreement 1.17%
firm 1.13%
people 1.05%
people + v. >>共 719
be 13.89%
have 4.14%
die 3.56%
say 2.67%
think 2.15%
want 2.12%
get 1.42%
go 1.34%
come 1.33%
take 1.32%
settle 0.03%
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