1.   Who were those glittering people intent on raiding the continent for money or for scientific knowledge?

2.   The mills were in very good order and showed every sign of being run by teams of people intent upon maintaining high standards of quality, cleanliness and service.

3.   But that did not slow people intent on a chance at the jackpot.

4.   For people intent on investing in a junk bond fund, yield will probably be at the top of the shopping list.

5.   In past years, exhibitions featuring Cuban artists have prompted bomb threats from people intent on keeping America safe from offending oils.

6.   People intent on smuggling a crude bomb aboard a commercial airliner can be awfully inventive.

7.   Several fund companies and other groups are providing investment seminars along the way for people intent on developing a financial edge as well as a golden tan.

8.   Some of these images have been manufactured by non-black people intent on keeping you questioning your worth.

9.   To most people intent on changing a town house to two-family use, the situation might have seemed hopeless.

10.   We are not commandoes and we bear no country nor its people ill intent.

n. + intent >>共 205
voter 13.95%
group 2.84%
extremist 2.84%
government 2.58%
people 2.58%
team 2.33%
rebel 1.81%
terrorist 1.55%
man 1.29%
eye 1.03%
people + n. >>共 769
close 14.57%
dead 8.46%
hostage 3.07%
skill 2.16%
smuggler 1.72%
familiar 1.46%
say 1.39%
talk 1.28%
access 1.28%
do 1.13%
intent 0.37%
每页显示:    共 10