1.   Erm all sorts of general problems I mean I get people come up to to me complaining about their rheumatism.

2.   It causes problems to people that come to the house.

3.   Well, people come on a day to day basis, like a working environment, right?

4.   But, he says, the more that people come out, the more it diminishes prejudices.

5.   I know in L.A. people come as they will.

6.   Some years, people come and, unless they have snowmobiles, can only get into Crowley.

7.   Why do people come away so palpably awed and enriched?

v. + come >>共 143
say 7.77%
undo 6.36%
unglue 3.18%
unstick 3.18%
prepare 2.83%
do 2.83%
see 2.83%
make 2.47%
people 2.47%
have 2.12%
people + n. >>共 213
think 5.33%
want 2.51%
come 2.19%
move 1.88%
need 1.88%
world 1.88%
magazine 1.57%
say 1.57%
call 1.25%
thought 1.25%
每页显示:    共 7