1.   As people change jobs more often, company loyalty is less common.

2.   Remember that people can change their behaviour but not their personalities.

3.   The civil rights movement illustrates how people can change the constitution of their country.

4.   The recession will mean that many people will be changing their spending habits.

5.   Then perhaps a hundred thousand people can change the trend, if they and their descendants labor for five hundred years.

6.   People change their mind for a variety of reasons.

7.   The most effective people never change from one situation to another.

8.   These people have not changed their ways of living from the ways of their ancestors.

9.   At the very beginning of the play Shakespeare demonstrated how easily the people changed their personal opinions.

n. + change >>共 1254
thing 7.88%
time 3.56%
life 1.84%
situation 1.73%
world 1.66%
company 1.42%
attitude 1.38%
government 1.31%
rule 1.00%
people 0.88%
people + v. >>共 719
be 13.89%
have 4.14%
die 3.56%
say 2.67%
think 2.15%
want 2.12%
get 1.42%
go 1.34%
come 1.33%
take 1.32%
change 0.16%
每页显示:    共 135