1.   There has recently been a big shift in the way people are accessing information.

2.   And Yang envisions a future where people can easily access the world through a variety of electronic devices.

3.   By controlling how people access the Internet, he said, Microsoft eventually will be able to determine the content of the Internet.

4.   Campus populations are relatively constant, so administrators can predict how many people need access, send out memorandums to users and set up systems for technical support.

5.   Five years ago, Marc Andreessen was a student at the University of Illinois, tinkering with software that enabled people to access the Internet with ease.

6.   Handheld devices such as the Blackberry already allow people to access their e-mail wirelessly without worrying about proximity to access points, Schaepe noted.

7.   Most people access the Internet, the global computer network, by connecting their computer modems into telephone lines.

8.   No one knows for sure how much pornography is on-line or how many people access it, however.

9.   Scientific Atlanta Inc. -- Norcross, Georgia-based Scientific Atlanta makes video equipment and the boxes that sit atop TVs that let people access the information highway.

10.   VerticalOne launched a service this month that lets people access several online accounts through one password.

n. + access >>共 134
user 21.86%
customer 8.47%
people 5.46%
subscriber 3.01%
consumer 2.73%
computer 2.19%
hacker 2.19%
company 1.91%
employee 1.91%
public 1.91%
people + v. >>共 719
be 13.89%
have 4.14%
die 3.56%
say 2.67%
think 2.15%
want 2.12%
get 1.42%
go 1.34%
come 1.33%
take 1.32%
access 0.02%
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