1.   Although the infective larvae can penetrate the skin, the infection rarely matures and there is no evidence as yet of transmammary infection.

2.   Among other risks, the carbon fibers can penetrate the skin, and boron fibers can even penetrate bone.

3.   As the needle penetrates the skin, the robot uses strain gauges to monitor the force exerted on it by the tissue.

4.   Because the alpha particles it emits do not have enough energy to penetrate human skin, it is harmful only if ingested or inhaled.

5.   A computerized controller that McKeon wears on his belt is connected to the pump by the wires that penetrate his skin near the groin.

6.   A microwave beam penetrates the skin, causing water molecules to vibrate.

7.   By removing some of the oil before it has penetrated the skin, you can reduce the severity and extent of the reaction and perhaps prevent it altogether.

8.   High-energy ultraviolet radiation that is not absorbed by the ozone layer can penetrate the skin, where it splits DNA.

9.   High-pressure sprayers shoot paint with enough force to penetrate the skin.

10.   It also will use a device, mounted on a military vehicle, that looks like a communications dish but actually projects an energy beam that penetrates the skin.

v. + skin >>共 390
remove 7.45%
have 6.71%
protect 3.29%
penetrate 2.01%
discard 1.95%
wear 1.95%
burn 1.88%
use 1.74%
break 1.74%
leave 1.48%
penetrate + n. >>共 275
market 7.14%
skin 4.37%
wall 2.04%
airspace 1.75%
cell 1.60%
wood 1.60%
armor 1.46%
building 1.46%
city 1.31%
heart 1.31%
每页显示:    共 30