1.   In a peasant society, these are the significant moments of human life and the main phases and aspects of agriculture.

2.   In some other respects it relied on centuries of evolution of peasant society.

3.   It is in peasant society that one sees some of the main gainers from the surplus of land.

4.   They constituted the bottom rung of peasant society.

5.   Trying to leap from a peasant society to industrial America, many Hmong ended up in poverty or on welfare.

n. + society >>共 306
consumer 5.29%
admiration 4.81%
law 3.85%
information 3.53%
cancer 3.04%
film 1.76%
hunter-gatherer 1.60%
high-tech 1.12%
opportunity 0.96%
benefit 0.96%
peasant 0.96%
peasant + n. >>共 215
farmer 16.55%
woman 4.79%
leader 4.79%
family 3.97%
group 3.28%
blouse 2.60%
organization 2.60%
girl 2.19%
rebellion 1.78%
economy 1.78%
society 0.82%
每页显示:    共 6