1.   I also visited a cooperative of peasant farmers who grow sesame seed.

2.   Most villagers are peasant farmers.

3.   Mrs Villemin is the wife of a peasant farmer.

4.   She argues that the diplomatic wife is as much a victim of male-dominated foreign policy as the peasant woman farmer.

5.   Small peasant farmers, who own their own plots have often been compelled to sell land through poverty and debts.

6.   The highlands are populated mainly by peasant farmers.

7.   The typical peasant farmer has a precarious existence, at the mercy of flood, disease and famine.

8.   Father Ramirez took up the issue of land reform on behalf of peasant farmers.

9.   Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers.

n. + farmer >>共 292
tobacco 8.50%
peasant 7.34%
coca 4.73%
subsistence 4.43%
rice 3.70%
hog 3.52%
pig 3.40%
wheat 3.16%
cattle 3.16%
cotton 2.91%
peasant + n. >>共 215
farmer 16.55%
woman 4.79%
leader 4.79%
family 3.97%
group 3.28%
blouse 2.60%
organization 2.60%
girl 2.19%
rebellion 1.78%
economy 1.78%
每页显示:    共 120