1.   At a cabinet meeting that day she announced stricter measures governing the use of cars in cities during peak pollution periods.

2.   Many found it difficult to give accurate figures as the livestock year dictated two very definite peak work periods.

3.   We usually have two people working in the shop, but at peak periods we employ extra staff.

4.   When was the peak period for coal production?

5.   Moreover, China would be entering the peak repayment period for foreign debts.

6.   A WAR of words erupted today after Stena Sealink claimed victory in the three-way battle of the waves over the critical summer peak period.

7.   American Airlines launched a similar sale, but for a different set of dates bypassing the peak holiday travel period.

8.   And in most places, the power saved would be at peak periods.

9.   As a result, availability tends to be limited during peak travel periods.

10.   At Cross Country, the peak period comes in the summer, when families are more apt to take road trips.

n. + period >>共 668
time 7.80%
transition 6.92%
holiday 2.80%
five-year 2.74%
peak 2.70%
six-month 2.48%
trial 2.44%
three-year 2.44%
incubation 2.14%
comment 2.10%
peak + n. >>共 157
season 15.03%
form 11.58%
period 10.35%
hour 9.51%
time 8.90%
demand 7.13%
condition 2.91%
summer 2.84%
performance 2.07%
level 2.07%
每页显示:    共 134