1.   Poised to become the first elected president, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat sought a large turnout to endorse his peacemaking policy with Israel.

2.   Arafat sought a large turnout to endorse his peacemaking policy with Israel.

3.   Arafat, who faced only token opposition, sought a large turnout to endorse his peacemaking policy with Israel.

n. + policy >>共 624
government 11.57%
immigration 3.31%
energy 2.98%
trade 2.87%
tax 2.67%
company 2.34%
drug 2.20%
security 1.94%
administration 1.94%
defense 1.43%
peacemaking 0.04%
peacemaking + n. >>共 76
effort 43.62%
role 6.04%
process 4.70%
mission 4.03%
gesture 2.01%
plan 2.01%
force 1.68%
front 1.68%
possibility 1.68%
policy 1.34%
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