1.   A lasting peace requires the slate to be wiped clean.

2.   But Roosevelt believed that world peace required small countries to cease their trouble-making.

3.   Albright said that she recognizes that commitment, but argued that peace required a larger sacrifice.

4.   But peace does not require mutual affection so much as enlightened self-interest.

5.   If peace requires, however, this building could be in Jerusalem.

6.   It may be that neither side is ready for the compromises a just and durable peace will require.

7.   Peace requires arrest of the paramilitary leaders, but army officials with paramilitary links block this.

8.   Social peace does require shared values, but they must be civic, not religious, in nature.

9.   That sets up the potential for an historic Pax Americana, but only if we realize the peace will require strong American leadership in NATO.

10.   The issues embody land and pride, and a peace would require Assad to open Syria to outside influence in a way he has never before tolerated.

n. + require >>共 1117
law 13.33%
rule 3.41%
bill 2.73%
plan 1.63%
regulation 1.59%
state 1.57%
agreement 1.50%
government 1.31%
job 1.25%
measure 1.18%
peace 0.15%
peace + v. >>共 209
be 41.60%
come 8.05%
process 2.34%
return 2.28%
hold 2.18%
bring 2.18%
remain 2.01%
take 2.01%
seem 1.96%
have 1.85%
require 1.14%
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