1.   Peace would mean no more suits For the tobacco industry, peace would be national legislation that would end anti-smoking lawsuits.

2.   Business executives seem to agree that peace means profits and that the talks among all parties should begin soon.

3.   But for me peace means security.

4.   But for pragmatic Palestinians like Qunbar, who look to the prospects of feeding their families, peace may mean just another hardship.

5.   For Zakkar and others, there are also muted expectations of what peace will mean, in terms of cooperation between Israel and Syria.

6.   For some, peace meant criminal background checks at gun shows or keeping Trident submarines away from Seafair.

7.   Peace means not fearing for your children every time they board a bus.

8.   Peace has meant the end of state-of-siege security.

9.   Real peace means security for Israel, he said.

10.   Some said peace does not mean that all is forgotten.

n. + mean >>共 1384
decision 1.81%
change 1.50%
result 1.44%
ruling 1.30%
move 1.19%
word 1.08%
victory 0.98%
game 0.96%
name 0.85%
number 0.84%
peace 0.17%
peace + v. >>共 209
be 41.60%
come 8.05%
process 2.34%
return 2.28%
hold 2.18%
bring 2.18%
remain 2.01%
take 2.01%
seem 1.96%
have 1.85%
mean 1.14%
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