1.   If payment of your salary continues until the date of final rejection, that date is likely to be the termination date.

2.   For nine years, the monthly payments continued.

3.   The payments will continue for a fixed period, usually five years.

4.   These payments will continue under the new law.

5.   Those payments will continue to decline during the next decade, the company said.

6.   Those payments could continue as long as the LAPD falls short of cleaning up its act.

7.   Whether these payments continue today is in dispute.

8.   Would the annuity payments continue, and if so, would they continue at the same level as when you were alive?

9.   The payments continued until at least last year.

n. + continue >>共 1148
company 2.49%
investigation 2.20%
talk 1.81%
government 1.60%
economy 1.56%
investor 1.34%
trend 1.31%
negotiation 1.22%
price 1.20%
violence 1.07%
payment 0.02%
payment + v. >>共 268
be 43.32%
come 3.75%
go 2.86%
begin 2.52%
have 1.98%
make 1.57%
cover 1.16%
rise 1.09%
stop 1.02%
help 0.95%
continue 0.61%
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