1.   Consumer information is an asset which Marketers are prepared to pay good money for.

2.   Further, this principle should not be inapplicable simply because the citizen paid the money under mistake of law.

3.   He did not pay the money he owed immediately.

4.   I paid good money for that sofa, so it should last.

5.   I wonder how much money we taxpayers paid for these completely useless pieces of information.

6.   It hardly surprised him that people were not too keen on paying good money for that.

7.   Neither Sutton nor Samons would say how much money Reynolds paid.

8.   Take out a Midland personal loan now and pay the money back in easy stages.

9.   The ideal situation for the artist is that all money should be paid to the artist.

10.   The money could be paid as early as next week.

v. + money >>共 344
raise 9.53%
make 7.69%
spend 5.71%
use 5.44%
save 4.21%
lose 4.16%
have 4.14%
put 2.53%
take 2.47%
borrow 2.25%
pay 1.23%
pay + n. >>共 447
attention 14.35%
tax 6.46%
bill 5.37%
price 4.94%
tribute 3.61%
fee 2.82%
dividend 2.75%
money 2.25%
fine 2.25%
ransom 1.76%
每页显示:    共 623