1.   These employees are paid based upon what they produce either individually or as members of small work groups.

2.   As an alternative, Hill suggested that investment banks no longer be allowed to pay analysts based on the banking business they help generate.

3.   As written now, the settlement would have companies pay penalties based on the number of cigarettes they sell, so payments would decline as sales do.

4.   Closed-end funds pay income based on net asset value, so when investors buy shares at a discount, they are getting a fatter yield.

5.   Developers are paid based on the amount of traffic on their Web sites, which are designed especially for cellular phones.

6.   Dow Jones officials would not comment on financial arrangements, other than to say they would be paid based on volume of the products.

7.   He said all teachers should be paid based on merit, and they should be tested periodically for competence.

8.   Hedge funds are targeted to wealthy investors, and their managers generally invest their own money in the funds and get paid based on their performance.

9.   Hedge funds are targeted to wealthy investors, and their managers generally invest their own money in the funds and get paid based on performance.

10.   In New York, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has proposed that teachers be paid based on the test results of the students in their classrooms.

v. + base >>共 335
be 7.15%
make 7.04%
pay 2.79%
return 2.57%
say 2.23%
select 2.12%
vary 2.01%
sell 1.79%
pick 1.56%
choose 1.56%
pay + v. >>共 73
accord 20.23%
base 14.45%
owe 4.05%
say 4.05%
use 3.47%
associate 2.31%
make 2.31%
rent 2.31%
depend 1.73%
give 1.73%
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