1.   She noticed that Elisabeth was lagging behind, and paused to wait for her.

2.   Officer Carroll, one of the four, paused to wait for his wife outside the courthouse and offered his condolences to the Diallo family.

3.   Sometimes, the convoys pause to wait for large herds of shaggy goats attended by grizzled men whose turbans are tattered.

4.   As he headed down, Griber occasionally paused to wait for Martin and Sanders.

v. + wait >>共 98
sit 12.30%
be 11.00%
die 10.68%
will 7.77%
lie 3.88%
opt 2.59%
spend 2.59%
have 1.94%
gather 1.62%
line 1.29%
pause 1.29%
pause + v. >>共 220
consider 4.79%
think 3.68%
take 3.68%
let 2.58%
watch 2.58%
reflect 2.21%
look 1.84%
admire 1.84%
catch 1.84%
chat 1.66%
wait 0.74%
每页显示:    共 4