1.   Different patterns of behaviour exist in different cultures.

2.   We now conclude that two ultrastructural bacterial patterns exist, and that these two patterns are linked to the modes of contact with gastric epithelium.

3.   And if the stripes are symmetrical on either side of such a center, the pattern no longer exists or has eluded detection.

4.   Another way to guard against spurious price patterns is to find a plausible explanation for why an apparent pattern should exist in the first place.

5.   A similar pattern exists in other countries.

6.   Albany needs to identify where these discriminatory assignment patterns exist, and take action before the federal government returns with new sanctions.

7.   But beneath this, a social pattern also exists.

8.   Clynes argues that similar patterns exist on higher levels in musical compositions, like the way composers stress certain bars in a movement.

9.   Further studies are under way in Poland, Jamaica, Spain, and Uganda to determine whether the pattern exists in cultures elsewhere.

10.   He also argues that similar patterns also exist on higher levels in musical compositions, such as how composers stress certain bars within a movement.

n. + exist >>共 1655
problem 4.39%
evidence 2.06%
possibility 1.59%
opportunity 1.28%
difference 1.17%
life 1.15%
condition 1.10%
technology 1.04%
system 0.84%
group 0.78%
pattern 0.29%
pattern + v. >>共 286
be 32.15%
emerge 6.68%
continue 4.37%
change 3.90%
hold 2.36%
repeat 1.71%
seem 1.65%
persist 1.42%
have 1.30%
develop 1.24%
exist 1.06%
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