1.   It effectively disrupted the old established patterns but prevented new and more sensible patterns developing.

2.   Patterns of behaviour develop gradually until they become unconscious habits.

3.   In cathedral building the pattern developed differently from the Continental one.

4.   The first hypothesis is that, in the absence of any controls, a stream pattern will develop randomly and will be described by the random-walk model.

5.   An exceptionally dry weather pattern will develop across most of the nation for the next few days.

6.   A contorted jet stream pattern will develop across North America this weekend, resulting in several days of unseasonable chill in the Northeast and Northwest.

7.   A new weather pattern is developing across the nation that will cause the exceptional chill of recent days to retreat from the Eastern states in the next several days.

8.   After six days of standoff, a familiar pattern has developed in the pasture opposite Drumcree Church here.

9.   But a pattern developed.

10.   Greenspan will get fresh information on how wage patterns are developing overall when the government releases its employment report next Friday.

n. + develop >>共 1756
company 6.79%
shower 3.16%
thunderstorm 3.03%
scientist 2.19%
child 1.45%
problem 1.44%
patient 1.42%
researcher 1.28%
people 1.12%
country 0.92%
pattern 0.27%
pattern + v. >>共 286
be 32.15%
emerge 6.68%
continue 4.37%
change 3.90%
hold 2.36%
repeat 1.71%
seem 1.65%
persist 1.42%
have 1.30%
develop 1.24%
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