1.   A necessary evil for patients like Christine Tweddle.

2.   Patients like Peter Dawson are often in an agitated state when they first come into hospital... their first port of call may be the seclusion room.

3.   And because patients like St. Hilaire are better at interpreting their aches and working with a therapist to get rid of them.

4.   And doctors say it is especially useful for homebound patients like the elderly.

5.   And almost all of these cases can be prevented, physicians like Silvus and patients like McQuien argue.

6.   And Mrs. Godek found that a drug development strategy meant to benefit patients like their son had no provision to help him in a crisis.

7.   Angina patients like Kaye are the first possible beneficiaries of angiogenesis.

8.   As patients like Geoghan, Kos, the Rev. Gilbert Gauthe, and Monsignor Michael Harris moved in next door, neighbors were not informed.

9.   A similar philosophy has been put to work with joint replacement patients like Brian Snow.

10.   All this, of course, leaves patients like Ingrid Schorr fending for themselves and eager for physicians like Dr. Keith Block.

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