1.   Many of my guests have followed similarly tortuous paths before finding their true metier.

2.   There was a kink in the path just before the bridge.

3.   But many historians have trod this path before and there are now a number of glossaries and explanatory works to guide the newcomer.

4.   Brumley and Pickens have also crossed paths before.

5.   But illusions have sent the people of the Middle East down bitter paths before.

6.   But the strategic path before Vivendi is anything but ordinary.

7.   Finally, the now-headless plane swerved back toward its original flight path before plummeting in flames into the water.

8.   I had crossed over on that path before.

9.   In the tradition of thousands of Oklahoma Indians before him, Gachot followed a long and winding path before returning home.

10.   Israel and Syria have been in an official state of war for decades and have been down the peace-talks path before.

n. + before >>共 1532
day 2.33%
time 2.18%
week 1.47%
hour 1.46%
year 1.37%
month 0.97%
game 0.89%
case 0.88%
hearing 0.83%
appearance 0.63%
path 0.04%
path + p. >>共 70
of 33.49%
to 30.35%
for 6.07%
toward 4.18%
with 4.05%
in 3.88%
from 2.69%
between 1.46%
on 1.33%
into 1.26%
before 0.50%
每页显示:    共 20