1.   And with colder weather killing pasture grass, more animals are being fed in the lots.

2.   Many fields of row crop, especially in the Piedmont region, have been converted to pine plantations and exotic pasture grasses.

3.   Now worms are munching their way across Texas, eating pasture grass, lawns, oats ... and football fields.

4.   Since taking the land, they have built one-room wooden houses, cleared pasture grass from the hills, planted corn, squash and beans.

5.   The blue-gray grass Festuca ovina Solling and a dwarf red hot poker in candy colors, Kniphofia Border Ballet, are my substitutes for pasture grass.

6.   There are five or six cowhands sitting around his Stockyards office or out squatting in the pasture grasses among the cattle.

7.   Early samples from pasture grasses have provided no clue to the mystery illness that is killing newborn horses in the state, researchers said Thursday.

8.   In searching for a cause, scientists have focused on possible mycotoxins produced by fungal organisms in pasture grass.

9.   Initially, mold- or fungus-based toxins in pasture grasses were a primary suspect.

10.   Now, the ground cover has been reduced to a scraggly covering of introduced pasture grasses, with few native plants to be seen.

n. + grass >>共 139
outfield 11.14%
infield 10.21%
sea 7.66%
prairie 4.41%
turf 3.94%
pasture 3.71%
wheat 3.02%
elephant 2.55%
marsh 2.55%
meadow 2.09%
pasture + n. >>共 23
land 30.67%
grass 21.33%
contamination 10.67%
condition 6.67%
fence 4.00%
gate 2.67%
level 2.67%
agreement 1.33%
count 1.33%
country 1.33%
每页显示:    共 16