1.   And beneath the humor there lies a passion that many a novelist would envy.

2.   Reynolds is quick to admit where his performance passion lies.

3.   That directly affected Haynes, so he began to do some testing to see where his true passion lay.

4.   The Republican is basically a conservative and this is what he cares about, where his passions lie.

5.   Toad surely has company today among consumers whose passions lie closer to movies than to music, yet true music lovers may simply feel left in the dust.

6.   Where do you think his passion lies?

n. + lie >>共 1905
body 4.21%
problem 3.38%
answer 3.28%
man 1.32%
future 1.17%
fault 1.13%
responsibility 0.97%
challenge 0.95%
solution 0.89%
people 0.89%
passion 0.08%
passion + v. >>共 184
be 40.25%
run 4.64%
cool 2.63%
seem 2.01%
begin 1.86%
remain 1.55%
take 1.39%
lead 1.24%
become 1.24%
die 1.24%
lie 0.93%
每页显示:    共 6