1.   As soon as the propellers came to a standstill the passengers disembarked on to the parking bay in front of a small terminal building.

2.   I looked towards the plane.

3.   Six passengers had already disembarked.

4.   The cruise passengers disembarked as soon as they got to the terminal in Miami.

5.   As the passengers disembarked Monday, greeting relatives and friends at the Black Falcon Terminal, many expressed a sense of relief that the incident was no worse.

6.   Every country, including ours, refused to let its passengers disembark.

7.   Passengers can disembark and explore the wooden bridge that spans the river.

8.   Passengers may disembark as often as they like but must pick up the train from the same station going in the same direction.

9.   Some passengers disembarked here to explore the town, which is a handsome place filled with antebellum buildings.

10.   Such dogs are led aboard aircraft after the passengers disembark and prowl the baggage tunnel before bags surface on the carousel.

n. + disembark >>共 31
passenger 48.00%
refugee 7.00%
troop 7.00%
visitor 3.00%
bus 2.00%
ferry 2.00%
group 2.00%
member 2.00%
people 2.00%
pirate 2.00%
passenger + v. >>共 743
be 17.18%
say 4.81%
have 4.47%
get 1.73%
die 1.71%
include 1.58%
suffer 1.49%
board 1.10%
take 1.08%
leave 1.08%
disembark 0.89%
每页显示:    共 48