1.   I had been arrested in the Capitol rotunda for a nonviolent protest the day the House passed its version of the bill.

2.   Although both chambers have passed different versions of the bill, neither has made any appointments to the conference of the two chambers that must reconcile the different versions.

3.   Another would be to pass a version so similar that it could then be passed speedily by the Senate and sent to the White House.

4.   And when the House and Senate pass different versions of bills, he assigns the representatives who will meet with senators to hammer out a final version.

5.   At the same time, the Massachusetts Legislature recently passed a version of a much-debated bill approving marijuana use for medicinal purposes.

6.   Before the Senate passed its version of the legislation, lawmakers had to wade through dozens of amendments, mostly from Democrats.

7.   Both chambers have passed differing versions, but members have yet to be chosen for a conference committee to work out a compromise between the two.

8.   Both houses passed versions of the legislation in April, but Kennedy has blocked the appointment of Senate conferees to work out a final agreement between the different measures.

9.   Both House and Senate budget committees meet Tuesday morning to pass respective versions of budget bills.

10.   Both the House and Senate had passed versions of the bill earlier this year, and a compromise was worked out with the White House last month.

v. + version >>共 493
pass 5.40%
offer 4.78%
have 3.29%
approve 2.60%
release 2.56%
use 2.53%
develop 2.49%
give 2.33%
produce 2.26%
introduce 2.14%
pass + n. >>共 635
law 12.48%
bill 11.10%
legislation 8.68%
resolution 4.22%
test 3.70%
measure 3.21%
muster 2.23%
ball 1.88%
budget 1.40%
judgment 1.31%
version 1.13%
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