1.   We expect to get these laws passed during the present parliament.

2.   All the urine passed during the following five hours was collected and the volume was measured.

3.   An Atlanta judge ruled that the law passed during a special session of the Legislature last year was unconstitutional.

4.   As a boy, Isherwood devised an imaginary railway, where the fare was one bobbin for every station passed during a journey.

5.   As guests nibble foods that symbolize hardship, sacrifice, redemption and renewal, plates of handmade matzo will be passed around during the Hagadda readings.

6.   Assuming, that is, that any new law really is passed during the next legislative session.

7.   As the minutes passed during the stretching, I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get my hands on a foil.

8.   But as long as the current rules exist, years can pass during which corporate citizens can go without paying the IRS a dime.

9.   But Forsberg returned to the game, and he seemed able to shoot and pass during practice here on Friday.

10.   Critics say many of the regulations passed during the last several decades have encouraged tenants to remain unemployed, turning public housing into violent ghettos.

v. + during >>共 1155
come 2.75%
kill 2.65%
say 1.96%
occur 1.85%
make 1.77%
die 1.73%
be 1.37%
do 1.33%
injure 1.32%
use 1.12%
pass 0.18%
pass + p. >>共 75
along 21.38%
without 15.03%
in 9.28%
with 8.95%
around 6.75%
before 6.10%
by 5.58%
since 3.48%
at 3.38%
across 2.90%
during 1.70%
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