1.   The local party supported her candidacy for the post of chairman.

2.   The party supported its candidate with enthusiasm.

3.   Both parties supported moves for reunification.

4.   With the exception of the United Left, all the opposition parties supported the bill.

5.   The party supported a free-market economy and was prepared to co-operate with other parties to create a national movement to protect human rights in Cambodia.

6.   Although these efforts failed to persuade the ANC to renew constitutional negotiations, both parties supported a UN plan to assist in the transition to democracy.

7.   He said that the party would support an amendment to the Basic Law, which currently stated that persons persecuted on political grounds shall enjoy the right to asylum.

8.   It would be helpful if we can say that this had all- party support, is there any problem with that?

9.   And widespread cross party support.

10.   Although the Greens no longer call for nationalizing private industry, the party supports reigning in the power of the banks.

n. + support >>共 1229
government 5.09%
administration 3.20%
group 2.78%
party 2.75%
majority 2.08%
country 2.02%
evidence 1.76%
people 1.55%
voter 1.53%
member 1.49%
party + v. >>共 674
be 12.11%
have 4.95%
say 3.54%
agree 2.90%
win 2.21%
want 1.40%
take 1.33%
hold 1.23%
call 1.16%
make 1.02%
support 0.81%
每页显示:    共 169