1.   A serious course in wine appreciation that does not welcome intemperate drinkers and party animals.

2.   James, the party animal !

3.   Boomer is a party animal whose physical skills are liable to erode overnight.

4.   Brazil followers, the party animals of any Games, added to the festivities with horns blowing and flags waving.

5.   A leader trapped in the body of a party animal.

6.   A seven-hour-plus pregame show, thanks to those party animals at Fox.

7.   Bush got gentleman Cs at Yale where he was known to be something of a party animal.

8.   But Barkley was a party animal.

9.   But not all the party animals were men.

10.   But the revolutionary is suddenly the acolyte of the establishment, agog at being coached by intellectual party animal Henry Kissinger.

a. + animal >>共 1061
wild 7.15%
stuffed 5.29%
infected 3.85%
dead 3.13%
live 2.91%
small 2.29%
young 1.71%
endangered 1.65%
different 1.61%
exotic 1.57%
party 1.11%
party + n. >>共 720
leader 16.20%
member 7.69%
official 6.86%
leadership 2.17%
chairman 2.02%
candidate 1.44%
congress 1.43%
affiliation 1.40%
headquarters 1.35%
president 1.32%
animal 0.30%
每页显示:    共 57