1.   Both Kinder Morgan and Santa Fe are limited partnerships, and their partnership units are traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

2.   But the partnership units will trade publicly, just as they do today, and investors who choose the option get other benefits.

3.   CarrAmerica paid for the buildings with a combination of cash, operating partnership units in Carr Realty LP and the assumption of debt.

4.   Colonial plans to finance the purchase by issuing the seller an undisclosed amount of partnership units, cash and assumed debt.

5.   Dallas-based Patriot is a hotel and real estate investment trust and Dallas-based Wyndham is a hotel operator which also has real estate partnership units.

6.   During the summer, the investor group acquired a majority of partnership units, and a full takeover was recently completed.

7.   Home Properties, a Rochester-based real estate investment trust, said the closing price will be paid in debt, cash and operating partnership units.

8.   In the planned rights offering, an investor cannot buy a partnership unit by itself.

9.   Partnership units are traded like stock but do not carry voting rights.

10.   The company expects to pay for the properties through a combination of stock, partnership units, cash and debt, Bucksbaum said.

n. + unit >>共 1353
police 7.95%
army 7.16%
business 3.56%
commando 2.00%
service 1.46%
power 1.38%
security 1.13%
defense 1.09%
burn 1.04%
rebel 1.04%
partnership 0.22%
partnership + n. >>共 185
agreement 24.69%
deal 7.78%
accord 3.55%
arrangement 2.73%
program 2.59%
unit 2.46%
interest 2.18%
programme 1.91%
transaction 1.64%
scandal 1.50%
每页显示:    共 18