1.   And if that troubled partnership should dissolve, a shared e-mail address means yet another headache.

2.   After the InterGen-CEA partnership dissolved, both companies and four others expressed interest in developing the project with Shell and Mobil.

3.   But that partnership dissolved.

4.   Eventually, the partnership dissolved.

5.   In the Middle Ages, both Islamic and European law required that a partnership dissolve if one partner died or was incapacitated.

6.   More than one husband-and-wife writing partnership has dissolved into a divorce.

7.   Perhaps only Liz Taylor has seen more partnerships dissolve.

8.   The partnership dissolved.

9.   The partnership soon dissolved, but Ms. Stewart forged ahead, working out of her kitchen with a staff of assistants.

10.   This partnership is dissolving.

n. + dissolve >>共 336
sugar 17.05%
president 5.54%
government 3.13%
gelatin 2.41%
partnership 1.85%
parliament 1.56%
yeast 1.42%
marriage 1.14%
dream 0.99%
emir 0.99%
partnership + v. >>共 287
be 25.78%
have 3.11%
allow 2.21%
make 1.60%
end 1.40%
work 1.40%
dissolve 1.30%
go 1.30%
help 1.20%
begin 1.10%
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