1.   Both partners shared childcare.

2.   A joint venture allows the partners to share that risk.

3.   After expenses are paid, the Tatum partners share whatever is left over.

4.   Compromise on other goals can be reached if partners share feelings and reach an understanding about what is important for them.

5.   Excessive volunteerism can put too much space and distance between couples, particularly when one partner does not share the same degree of interest in the work.

6.   It is a view that the new partners also share.

7.   More recently, Vickers has said that it intends to keep Rolls-Royce, but that it will need a partner to share the costs of developing new models.

8.   Partners share the legal fees in cases they win together.

9.   Profits are usually shared by partners in individual country practices and not distributed among affiliated firms.

10.   So he resigned to start his own company, and set about looking for partners to share the costs of author contracts.

n. + share >>共 1039
company 3.67%
country 3.47%
people 3.00%
two 2.97%
man 2.43%
team 1.68%
member 1.60%
family 1.50%
nation 1.29%
party 1.27%
partner 0.59%
partner + v. >>共 649
be 21.17%
have 5.34%
include 2.92%
say 2.58%
take 1.60%
agree 1.60%
make 1.38%
do 1.01%
plan 0.94%
help 0.85%
share 0.72%
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