1.   The other partners include Qualcomm, a digital wireless communication developer, and Cartell, a Michigan-based wireless equipment manufacturer.

2.   Besides American Express, other partners in DisneyQuest include Hughes-JVC for projection systems, Silicon Graphics for work stations and Tandem Computers for servers.

3.   Blackstone, whose partners include banking stars such as J. Tomilson Hill, reaped windfalls from investments in companies including UCAR International Inc. and HFS Inc.

4.   Blair Witch WebFest partners include Artisan, Yahoo, JumpCut, RealNetworks, Amazon, DoubleClick, Worlds.com and StreamSearch.

5.   After Mexico, which accounts for about half of U.S. trade with Latin America, other top partners include Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia.

6.   AIOC partners include BP, Amoco Corp., Pennzoil Co., Unocal Corp., Exxon Corp., Statoil of Norway and Lukoil of Russia.

7.   But the participation of Singapore Technologies, a telecommunications and Internet concern whose partners include Nippon Telegraph and Telephone and the BT Group, came as a surprise.

8.   Her many partners included Igor Youskevitch and the Danish dancer Erik Bruhn, who was briefly her fiance.

9.   His partners included the NBC network and Raul Salinas de Gortari, the jailed brother of the former Mexican president.

10.   His partners include Bob Tyrer and Jim Bodner, both long-time aides.

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partner 0.21%
partner + v. >>共 649
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