1.   British Petroleum Co. said it successfully drilled another test well in a part of the North Sea that BP and its partners hope will be a new oil province.

2.   Hewitt said he and his partners hope to turn Idea Futures into something more than an academic exercise.

3.   It is the sort of work NASA and its international partners hope to do continuously aboard a U.S.-led space station.

4.   Kaufmann said he and his partners hope to close the purchase of the property from Alamo this month for a price he declined to disclose.

5.   Laser Pest Management said it was getting more calls asking to see the termite dog in action, and the partners hope to buy another dog.

6.   Rents are on par with those in the area, but less than in buildings in Manhattan, a market the partners hope to tap.

7.   So some partners hoped that by now these increasingly diverse classes of young lawyers would have become increasingly diverse classes of young partners.

8.   The limited partners hope not merely to make a good profit on their investment, but to get first crack at the products the fund helps bring to market.

9.   The partners hope to expand the sporting club idea to other historic sites but say their standards will limit the choices.

10.   The partners hope to turn a profit by selling foreign broadcast rights and merchandising.

n. + hope >>共 613
official 10.90%
company 8.02%
government 5.83%
leader 2.59%
administration 1.91%
organizer 1.91%
group 1.82%
investor 1.77%
scientist 1.66%
researcher 1.63%
partner 0.18%
partner + v. >>共 649
be 21.17%
have 5.34%
include 2.92%
say 2.58%
take 1.60%
agree 1.60%
make 1.38%
do 1.01%
plan 0.94%
help 0.85%
hope 0.69%
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