1.   His particular joy was the fine copper beech tree which dominated the scene.

2.   A new-car owner knows no particular joy when the engine turns over.

3.   But the editor who broke the story is taking no particular joy at discrediting the historian.

4.   Spurrier took particular joy in that one.

5.   There is absolutely no one else in the world who can fit so comfortably in such a particular seat, emitting such a particular joy.

a. + joy >>共 253
great 11.46%
sheer 7.22%
pure 6.91%
real 4.87%
greatest 3.45%
simple 2.51%
greater 1.41%
small 1.26%
childlike 1.10%
special 1.10%
particular 0.78%
particular + n. >>共 1137
concern 2.72%
interest 2.55%
attention 2.13%
problem 2.10%
case 1.41%
group 1.16%
time 1.03%
area 1.01%
type 0.98%
issue 0.90%
joy 0.04%
每页显示:    共 5