1.   The treble, middle and bass controls each have a secondary function to enhance their particular frequency ranges.

2.   Does the Met seek to showcase contemporary artists with any particular frequency?

3.   John Schenk, the chef at Clementine, tuned in to this particular frequency years before tony restaurants began playing with iceberg.

4.   Physicists first beam laser light of a particular frequency at atoms of a gas.

5.   Some cells are tuned to particular frequencies of sound, and others convert the sound into nerve signals.

6.   Specific military operations are assigned a particular frequency, and each pilot has a person identification number.

7.   The family radios are like CB radios in that anyone who has one can eavesdrop on a particular frequency.

8.   Therefore, a federal regulating body would determine who would get to broadcast over a particular frequency.

9.   He said it was only jammed on one particular frequency.

a. + frequency >>共 245
increasing 14.97%
different 6.06%
higher 5.71%
same 4.69%
greater 3.77%
new 2.97%
increased 2.86%
alarming 2.51%
lower 2.40%
resonant 1.26%
particular 1.03%
particular + n. >>共 1137
concern 2.72%
interest 2.55%
attention 2.13%
problem 2.10%
case 1.41%
group 1.16%
time 1.03%
area 1.01%
type 0.98%
issue 0.90%
frequency 0.08%
每页显示:    共 9